Starting from € 9

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Free for children young then 4 years old
City Tour

Trani, pearl of the Adriatic

Visit the enchanting historical center of Trani, with its 12th century Swedish castle and a majestic cathedral dedicated to San Nicola Pellegrino, in typical Puglian Romanesque style, which overlooks the sea.

Overlooking a tourist port where dozens of fishing boats take turns entering the harbour, the city of Trani imposes itself with breathtaking scenery, rich history and a regal and harmonious architecture made possible by the master artisans’ use of the local stone of Trani. During Roman rule, it was a simple municipality and it is only in the Middle Ages, with the advent of the Normans and King Frederick II of Sweden, that the city developed its maritime fortress. In the 15th century, Trani became a maritime centre of fundamental importance in the lower Adriatic. Thanks to the “stupur mundi” (“Wonder of the World” as King Frederick II was described), a large Jewish community dedicated to the trade of fabrics arrived in the city, leaving three synagogues, one of which can still be visited today. Between the Middle Ages and the 18th century, many noble palaces were built within the city limits.

il porto di Trani

Scorcio della Cattedrale di Trani


Technical info
This information is of a general nature. We can vary the conditions according to your needs.

Duration: Two Hours
Level of Difficulty:Easy
Availability: All year
Animals permitted: Yes
Suited to Children: Yes
Recommended gear: Wear comfortable shoes. During summer, we recommend that you bring with you a hat/cap, a bottle of water and sunscreen. 
Meeting Point:
 Piazza Gradenigo