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Food & Wine

The bread of Altamura

Visit an ancient wood-burning oven to assist in the preparation of the famous Altamura bread and end the visit by tasting some freshly baked products such as bread, focaccia and sweet and savoury biscuits.

Altamuran bread is the first Italian baked product to receive a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) denomination in 2003. In the city there are several historical ovens that guard the secrets of bread making. This is an experience that will lead you to discover the mother yeast, the durum wheat flours and particular wood-fired ovens.

The legend of bread sinks into the past and history "writes Predrag Matvejević in his book The Ways of Bread. Bread is the element of identity that, more than any other, unites the whole Mediterranean and acts as a link to the thousand-year history of exchanges between the shores of this sea. An identity that is the result of a long journey that starts from Asia Minor, travels through the Balkans, by land and by sea, reaches us in the skilled hands of the women who have kept the secrets of baking, jealously preserved the mother yeast and delivered to our community a unique identity element recognised worldwide for its qualities.

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Durata: 2 ore
Livello di difficoltà: Facile
Disponibilità esperienza: Tutto l'anno
Animali ammessi: No
Adatto ai bambini: Si
Punto d'incontro: Piazza Duomo