Starting from € 7

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Free for children young then 4 years old
Food & Wine

Hands in Dough

For many foreigners, pasta is the true symbol of Italy.  For we Italians, it means family, the scents of home, unique flavours that accompany us always.  For many of us, it means remembering our grandmother, who rose early in the morning to prepare enormous quantities, with the scent of flour filling the house.

The first document that spoke of dried pasta in Italy dates back to 1152, when the Arabian geographer, Al-Idrisi, wrote that near Palermo, in a tiny place called Trabia (that still exists today), “They make a lot of pasta that is exported everywhere, to Calabria (Southern Italy), to other Muslim and Christian countries, they send massive loads in ships”. In this workshop, you will be guided by a skilled housewife in the production of the various forms of traditional pasta.  Together, we will discover the secrets of this basic food of the national gastronomic tradition.  Semolina flour, water and salt: simple ingredients that, thanks to the wilfullness and the knowledge of our ancestors, gave life to the culinary product that is omnipresent in Italy and elsewhere.  Speaking of pasta means thinking of the origins, roots, myths and identity of our people. At the end of the workshop, we will taste the traditional plates, in which the pasta is indisputably the protagonist, accompanied by a very good glass of wine.


Technical info
This information is of a general nature. We can vary the conditions according to your needs.

Duration: Three / Four Hours
Level of Difficulty:Easy
Availability: All year
Animals permitted: No
Suited to Children: Yes
Available in this city:  Altamura, Matera, Gravina in Puglia, Trani.