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Free for children young then 4 years old
Food & Wine

The green gold of Puglia

Guided tour and tasting in an oil mill. On this visit we will learn about the various olive cultivars, with their strengths and weaknesses, ancient and modern cultivation techniques, with their pros and cons, and extraction techniques. Finally, we will be guided through a tasting of various types of oil to learn to recognise the quality of the product.

The history of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, favoured by the mild climate and fertile lands, has been marked by the production of olive oil. There are many cities that owe their birth and development to the production and trade of this ancient and precious product. With its sixty million olive trees, Puglia is one of the Italian regions with the highest production of olive oil in the world. Visiting an oil mill here means knowing the secrets of this ancient food and better understanding the culture of the places where it is produced. 

The Greek historian, Tucidite, contemporary of Pericles in the 5th century BC stated: "The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive tree and the vine".

Technical info


This information is of a general nature. We can vary the conditions according to your needs.

Duration: Two Hours
Level of Difficulty:Easy
Availability: All year
Animals permitted: Yes
Suited to Children: Yes
Advice: The olive are harvested from November to January, a period in wich the oli mill gives its best in full production
Available in this city: Matera, Gravina in Puglia, Andria, Bitonto