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Free for children young then 4 years old
Food & Wine

The Secrets of Bread

The use of durum wheat together with mother yeast are the secrets that our breadmakers jealously guard in their ovens. Walk the bread routes and discover and discover all the secrets guided by a baker with "hands in dough".

After a presentation of the bakery process, a historical study on the subject, you will be guided in the production of focaccia and bread. Bread, a simple and ancient product, has characterised the life of all the peoples of the Mediterranean from the beginning. The story of bread is a great story, rich in wisdom and poetry, art and faith.

bread, sourdough, knead

The victory over barbarism brought to light a new civilisation marked by bread. Mythology and utopia were connected to that civilization. Hippolytus said: "Bread belongs to mythology." The past and the history of man and human communities, as well as the legends and popular stories that accompany and complete them, can be divided into two major periods: the epoch that preceded bread and the epoch following man’s " discovery "or invention of bread. As Pythagoras said, “The universe begins with bread".

hoven, bread

info tecniche

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Durata: 2 ore
Livello di difficoltà: Facile
Disponibilità esperienza: Tutto l'anno
Animali ammessi: No
Adatto ai bambini: Si
Disponibile nella città: Altamura, Matera