Starting from € 500

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Free for children young then 4 years old

Goldsmith for a day

Put on the goldsmith's robes and make your own wedding rings! A unique and engaging workshop to start a new path, an initiatory rite led by a skilled craftsman who will guide you in this experience.

laboratorio, orificeria, fedi nuziali

This is a symbolic ritual that allows you to create personalised wedding rings, or other personalised rings, with your own hands. Design and create unique pieces as a seal of a unique and timeless union. An experience in which to forge indelible memories to carry in your heart for a lifetime. The workshop includes the rental of the workshop with master goldsmith, a photographic portfolio and a moment in time with typical Apulian products as a souvenir. You will see: it will be a day to toast and celebrate a special date such as the forging of your own wedding rings.

orafi, fedi nuziali, vacanza, gioiello

orificeria, fedi nuziali, vacanza, puglia 

Technical info

This information is of a general nature. We can vary the conditions according to your needs.

Duration: Six Hours 
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Availability: All year
Animals permitted: No
Excluded services: The cost of the chosen materials must be added to the cost of the laboratory