Starting from € 20

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Free for children young then 4 years old

Terracotta whistles

Cola cola, bubù or cuckoo are the names given to a traditional whistle whose origin is lost over time. In a shop in the heart of Gravina, we will be guided to discover the terracotta processing techniques that shape our cute cockerel.

This whistle, a symbol of popular creativity with its typical two-tone sound, brings to mind the beautiful season, the continuous regeneration of nature. A simple object, a sign of celebration, rebirth, good omen and prosperity, it is a tribute for newlyweds and a toy given to children in May, on the occasion of the celebration for the Madonna di Picciano and during the feast of San Michele delle Grotte. During those celebrations, children ran through the streets and played their colorful whistles so that the Fondovito district was filled with colour and sounds, and generated an unmistakable soundtrack in honor of the city's patron saint.

Within roughly two hours, participants in this excursion will produce the typical terracotta whistle in the shape of a cockerel in accordance with local tradition.


Technical info

This information is of a general nature. We can vary the conditions according to your needs.

Duration: Six Hours 
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Availability: All year
Animals permitted: Yes
Suited for children: Yes
Meeting Point: Chiesa del Purgatorio